Friday, June 22, 2012

Choose Solid Oak Over Any Other Type Of Wood

All types of wood can be made into furniture but whether it will last or look good is another matter entirely. In the 18th century furniture and buildings were generally manufactured from walnut, birch, oak, mahogany, rosewood, pine and fruitwoods, today these items are often antiques and sought after by lovers of beauty and quality furniture.

As some of these woods became scare due to over-use they became more expensive to buy; manufacturers had to look around for cheaper woods to use. It's still possible to get oak furniture at affordable prices these days; however it is a hardwood and so can be pricey if you want to buy solid oak, but if it's beauty and strength you're after then there is no other character quite like it in the wood department, and it's famous for its fine-textured grain and intense rings that gives it its splendour and rich colour.

Common practices with wood furniture companies is to use a combination of woods to create layers, this is known as a veneer and the manufacturer might do this in order to cut down on costs. The good quality wood is used where it will be seen, as in a table top or bed headboard, leaving the cheaper, or mixed, wood for the drawer bottoms and backs of wardrobes and underneath of benches. Once the item is finished and stained to match it can be difficult to tell the difference between the types of wood unless you are an expert.

Oak furniture has been used for hundreds of years and remains a popular choice today with home-owners and those who enjoy looking at beautiful quality furniture. It has a multitude of uses including producing wonderful, and functional, pieces for the home and office. It even plays an important role in the production of fines wines, brandy and whiskey as it's used in making kegs and barrels for storage and preservation. Standing the test of time it's fashionable and strong enough for interior and exterior use.

In the past it was one of the most practical woods available for building ships and proof of its strength and durability has been proved time and time again against the rough stormy seas. Even the bark has a practical use as it produces tanning required to dye leather.

Owning an oak piece of furniture will save you money in the long run as you'll never have to replace it, assured to last a lifetime it's a hard-wearing material that can stand up to the purpose it was created for. Wooden floors are often made from oak as it beautifies with time and can stand the daily wear and tear of hundreds of people walking over it and leaving hardly any sign they have been there! Choosing this type of wood over any other is one decision you won't regret.

Dovetail joints on drawers are a must on good quality wood furniture; look out for these fine details when buying as they tell you that the item is made with traditional techniques designed to last. Modern furniture very rarely lasts for a long time as many are made by machine so the care and attention to detail simply isn't there and, as said before, in many cases certain parts of the furniture items are made using a lower-priced wood.

To make superior dining tables chair sets the whole body of the unit should be solid, the handles and any other parts should also be designed to the exact same standards to enhance the design and quality. If traditional methods have been followed then you'll have an extremely wonderful piece of furniture to be admired for years and to hand down to the younger members of the family, and is sure to make any dwelling luxurious. Oak is so beautifully unique you can be guaranteed that no two pieces will ever be the same.

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